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- ---------------------
- Now that you know what wild cards
- are, how do you use them? The fol-
- lowing paragraphs will show how vari-
- ous commands work with wild cards:
- LOAD, VERIFY, and OPEN in any of
- their forms will select the first file
- that matches their filename. EXCEP-
- TION: If the filename is '*', these
- commands will use the LAST FILE THAT
- THE DISK ACCESSED! If none was previ-
- ously accessed (like if you just turn-
- ed the disk drive or the 64 on), then
- the first file on the disk is used
- like you would normally expect. If
- you want to be SURE and get the first
- file, use ':*' instead of '*'!
- The Directory command can take a
- filename following the '$' and a ':'.
- The listing will include ONLY the
- matching files. For example:
- @$:FILE ?
- 0 "MY OWN DISK " MD 2A
- 3 "FILE 1" SEQ
- 6 "FILE 2" SEQ
- 5 "FILE 5" SEQ
- The Directory command also takes a
- special wildcard: '=' followed by a
- 'P', 'S', 'U' or 'R' will cause only
- PRG, SEQ, USR or REL files respective-
- ly to be listed. For example:
- @$:F*=P
- 0 "MY OWN DISK " MD 2A
- 9 "FIRE 1" PRG
- The SCRATCH command scratches (de-
- letes, or removes) ALL matching files.
- That means that the DOS Wedge command
- '@S:*' will erase ALL files from the
- disk! If that is what you want to do,
- it is MUCH faster to use the NEW com-
- mand without an ID to erase all files.
- For example: '@N:MY OWN DISK'. After
- using the SCRATCH command, the Disk
- Status command will return an Error
- Type 01, message 'FILES SCRATCHED'.
- The Track number (the third part of
- the Status message) will be the number
- of files scratched. For example:
- @S:FILE ?
- @
- The RENAME command does NOT use the
- wild card characters.
- The COPY command can accept wild
- cards on both sides of the '='. The
- filename on the left (the destination)
- MUST be '*' if wild cards are used in
- the filename on the right. This is
- useful only with dual-drive units like
- the CBM 4040 (with an IEEE interface)
- or an MSD SuperDrive 2. It causes all
- the files that match the source file-
- name to be copied with their names in-
- tact. For example:
- @C1:*=0:??????
- with a dual-drive unit would cause all
- the files except 'FILE MAKER' on our
- sample disk to be copied to the disk
- in drive 1, keeping their names on the
- new disk.
- Using the '*' quirk of the LOAD
- command can be handy. If you have a
- program in memory that you just LOADed
- from disk, and you SCRATCH it from the
- disk and NEW it from memory, then de-
- cide you want it back, you can IMMED-
- IATELY type 'LOAD "*",8' ('/*' with
- the Wedge), and the file will LOAD
- back in, even though it was SCRATCHed!
- You can then SAVE it as usual!
- ------------ end of article ----------